You probably have heard the term “PERC free” and know that it is an important requirement when it comes to safe dry cleaning. What exactly is PERC anyway?
Short for perchlorethylene, PERC is a colorless, nonflammable liquid with a formula of C2Cl4. Its powers to degrease initially made it a desirable option for dry cleaning detergent. The problem with PERC; however, is that it’s extremely toxic.
According to Tox Town, a web site by the National Institutes of Health, short-term exposure to high-levels of PERC can affect the central nervous system and cause unconsciousness and death. Even exposure to low levels can bring on dizziness, inebriation, sleepiness, and irritated skin, eyes, nose, mouth, throat, and respiratory tract. Tox Town goes onto cite the Fourtheenth Report on Carcinogens published by the National Toxicology Program, where PERC is listed as “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen” due to limited evidence of its association with esophageal cancer, cervical cancer, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
And we were OK with this on our clothing?
Sudsies is not.
The top luxury dry cleaner across Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach counties uses only PERC free solvents for all of our methods. Our main process is Professional Wet Cleaning and Hydrocarbon Cleaning, cited by the Toxic Use Reduction Institute (TURI) in Massachusetts as among the top alternatives to traditional PERC dry cleaning systems. Wet cleaning uses biodegradable detergents, texture enhancers and specialized finishing equipment. Even better and greener, the method does not emit hazardous air pollutants and requires the lowest electricity usage of all garment cleaning options, according to a recent TURI report. For our clients’ vintage, intricate couture, and all other delicate items, we enlist Hydrocarbon Cleaning. This is also PERC free, does not emit any classified hazardous air pollutants to function, and is recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Design for Environment Program.
Our commitment to processes like these is how Sudsies has not only become South Florida’s top luxury dry cleaner, but also the official number one green cleaner, as designated by the Green Cleaners Council. To learn more about our many other eco-friendly efforts, visit